Welcome to Lakeview Baptist Church

Here at Lakeview we are commited to teaching the Bible, loving our neighbor, and sharing the Gospel.

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Come enjoy an evening of family fun!

We will have a bounce house, games, snacks, and LOTS of candy!

Sunday School
9:00 AM - Breakfast & Coffee
9:30 AM - Bible Study Classes for every age
Worship Services
10:30 AM - Sunday Morning Service, Nursery (0-3yrs), Children's Church (4yrs-2nd Grade)
6:00 PM - Sunday Evening Service, Nursery (0-3yrs)
Wednesday Activities
5:30 PM - Church-Wide Dinner
6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study, Nursery (0-3yrs), Lakeview Kids (4yrs-5th Grade), & Youth LIVE (6th-12th Grade)